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Wade 8A Serial Number Data


Most 8As have the serial number stamped into the end of the bed, as in the picture below:


Some later lathes may have the number stamped on a brass tag, which is attached to the tailstock-end bed foot:


At the time of this writing Wade could not provide me with a serial number list; they keep records of individual machines on file but don’t have the serial numbers compiled by date.  The following information comes from the 9th edition of the Machine Tool Reference Guide, published by the Machinery Dealers National Association.


Year Number range
1919 #160
1927 #203
1940 #220
1941 #247
1942 #330
1946 #500
1949 #600
1957 #800
1958 #850
1959 Discontinued



Wade 8A Lathe Specifications

Information on Wade's 8W Collet

Wade 8A Lathe Owners Registry

Wade Lathes, Parts, and 8W Collets For Sale

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